21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
We are Refuge Kids! A place where kids can feel accepted and loved. They will experience the presence of God and begin a relationship with him that is pure and genuine at a young age. We believe in developing little world changers and teaching them about who Jesus truly is.

And Jesus said “…let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” Mark 10:14

We provide various areas of ministry to families:

Baby Church (infants & crawlers 0-24 months
Jr. Kids Church (ages 2-4)
Kids Church (Refuge Kids) (K5-5th Grade)

At Refuge Kids, our staff is dedicated and committed to teaching children by example to REACH God with all they have. Through worship, teaching, and variety of fun activities, the Refuge Kids ministry exposes children to God’s word and challenges them to grow in their relationship with God.

If you are interested in serving in Refuge Kids, please contact us at refugechurch.cc@gmail.com

RightNow Media for Kids

Here at Refuge Church, you have access to more than 2,000 wholesome, educational, and entertaining videos for your kids for free through RightNow Media. This is also one of the biggest Bible study libraries in the world and a great resource for the whole family.

Refuge Kids Prayer Guide

Prayer is a way for us to connect with God no matter what age. Parents, we have added this prayer guide as a resource for you to download, print, and give to your kids to help guide them and teach them to go to God in prayer in their daily lives.

Baby Dedication

Build a spiritual foundation that's last.